Earn money online in 2024: 27 Profitable Ideas for Creating Additional Income

Generating additional income online and taking advantage of the Internet has never been so simple and accessible. Whether you are employed, student, job seeker or retired, the Internet offers many opportunities to increase your earnings. However, it can be difficult to find the method that best suits your situation.

The objective of this publication is to introduce you to how to make money on the Internet and to help you choose the method that suits you, without spending a lot of money or wasting time.

How to earn money on the Internet?

Managing to generate income on the Internet is a goal shared by many people who aspire to financial supplement, to change their lives, or simply to work remotely and spend more time with their family.

However, not everyone succeeds in achieving this goal, often because they are not asking the right questions. Before you can earn money online, it is essential to choose the right method, which is not always easy.

Some methods require financial investment, while others require specific skills. Therefore, before you get started, clearly define your goal and the approach you are going to take to achieve it. To help you in this process, we present 27 of the best methods for generating income on the Internet.

27 ideas for making money online in 2024

1. Become a freelancer on an online platform (Upwork, Malt, Fiverr, etc.)

There are a wide range of freelancing platforms full of clients looking for freelancers with your skills. The demand is considerable and continues to grow.

Among the most popular freelance sites, we can cite:

  • Freelancer
  • Fiverr
  • Upwork

To succeed as a freelancer, it is important to establish a specialization. One of the mistakes you might make as a newbie freelancer is positioning yourself as a generalist. Given the high competition, you will want to present yourself as the best solution for a specific type of customer.

For example, are you a WordPress developer specializing in SaaS companies, a copywriter specializing in cryptocurrencies, or a ghostwriter expert in technical topics?

Once your specialization is established, it’s time to create your profile, present relevant samples that showcase your skills, and embark on the freelance adventure.

2. Sell your creations through Etsy

If you have skills in making handmade products, you can make a living selling them online.

Etsy is one of the largest online marketplaces for handmade crafts. Whether it’s unique iPhone cases, stands, or rings, everything can be sold on Etsy .

It is one of the best sites for making money on the Internet. You can get started without having your own website or online presence, as Etsy already has a large audience that you can access directly. Plus, if you get enough success, you can always upgrade to your own self-hosted online store in the future. If you’re not an artisan yourself, you can always partner with an artisan and take care of marketing their products through Etsy.

Many artisans have good products but don’t have the time or knowledge to market them online. To increase your chances of success, keep the following tips in mind:

Do some research to make sure there is demand for your designs on Etsy.
Analyze the manufacturing time of each item. Is the price you charge justified given the time and effort invested?
Identify what sets your product apart from other products already on Etsy. Your goal is to have a unique style while meeting the expectations of your buyers.
3. Become a virtual assistant
If you have planning and organizational skills, the virtual assistant role might be right for you. A virtual assistant is capable of taking on a wide variety of tasks such as bookkeeping, data entry, email management, information retrieval, and more.

Becoming a virtual assistant not only allows you to increase your income, but also to connect with important individuals. More and more business owners are turning to virtual assistants rather than hiring a full-time employee. Therefore, the demand for virtual assistants in France is constantly increasing.

4. Get started in e-commerce (dropshipping)

With the prevalence of platforms like WordPress and WooCommerce, building an eCommerce site is more accessible than ever. You also have the option of purchasing PrestaShop or WooCommerce hosting optimized for online stores, which will make the task much easier.

There are two distinct approaches to effectively launching an online store:

Develop and market a physical product for a specific segment of buyers.
Sourcing cheaper products made overseas, reconditioning them, and reselling them at a profit margin.
The first approach can be very attractive, but it requires a passion for the product and a willingness to research, develop and test the products thoroughly.

While the first approach may seem a bit risky for your first online business, it is possible to consider the second option of reselling popular products abroad. This method is based on finding a popular product on a platform like AliExpress, repackaging it, and then selling it online on your own store.

In addition to selling quality products, it is also essential to think about how you are going to ship your products. You have the opportunity to personally manage shipping and order fulfillment. Alternatively, you can opt for a well-known method called dropshipping, where the manufacturer does this for you.

5. Sell online training

There’s no denying that online courses are omnipresent these days! So, if you have useful knowledge that individuals would like to learn, this could be a great opportunity to make money on the Internet.
You have the option to publish your courses on your own site or use learning platforms such as Udemy. These offer you the opportunity to become a trainer and share your knowledge with thousands of potential students. This is a unique opportunity to pass on your skills and experience to a wide audience eager to become familiar with new technologies.

Online courses can be created in many different formats, from simple PDFs to video courses with several hours of content.

Creating online courses can be extremely powerful. Since everything is under your control, there is no limit to the amount you can earn.

Just like most of the other ideas mentioned in this list, online courses can be integrated into most styles of websites, including blogs, e-commerce sites, and even affiliate sites.

If you want to create an online course but haven’t yet decided on your topic, take the time to conduct research and identify the problems your target audience faces. You can do this through social media groups, discussion forums, and sites and blogs frequented by your target audience.

6. Become a YouTuber

YouTube is one of the largest video search engines in the world. However, instead of searching sites, users search for entertaining, funny, or informative videos.

It is possible to monetize your YouTube channel through the integrated advertising system or by sending visitors to a website that you have monetized in another way.

Creating a YouTube channel can be thought of as creating a website, except that it involves videos rather than written content. If you feel comfortable in front of the camera and want to start creating videos, you will need to determine the nature of your channel. In general, there are two types of YouTube channels:

Entertaining Channels: This style includes web series, comedy videos, pranks, reviews, video game tours, and more.
Educational Channels: This style focuses more on “How To”. If you have useful skills or information that you want to share through a video, this is a solid option for you.
Once you’ve decided what type of channel you want to start, it’s time to start creating. First of all, you need to create your YouTube channel and think of a catchy name.

Next, keep the following tips in mind:

Use a high-quality camera to record your videos.
Experiment with different styles, formats, and editing techniques until you find the one that best suits your content.
Optimize your video titles, descriptions, and images to encourage users to click.
Create a consistent video posting schedule and maintain it so your subscribers know when to expect your content.

7. Resell clothes and objects that have become useless

Selling or renting second-hand items is a relatively easy way to make money online, and is a great incentive to start decluttering your home. Additionally, selling second-hand items requires no initial investment, as you only offer items you already own. So, everyone can get started on this project.

Once you have made a list of items you want to sell, take high-quality photos of the products before listing them. If you’re considering a long-term commitment, seriously consider creating a website to launch your own online store.

In addition to clothing and accessories, you can also benefit from selling other used items online such as furniture, gadgets, sports equipment and even used cars.

eBay is one of the best sites for selling second-hand items online and Vinted is the best mobile app for reselling your clothes.

8. Sell digital creations (designs, illustrations, etc.)

If you have design skills or have always been passionate about Photoshop and Illustrator, you can leverage them to generate income online. You have the option to use freelance platforms, create a profile, and publish your portfolio, or test your skills on platforms such as Freepik, etc. On this site, you will compete with other designers for different projects. If the client likes your design, you will get the project and can start working.

Another method of attracting clients as a graphic designer is to create professional connections. Visit local businesses or explore your city. Some companies will likely need your graphic design skills, whether for the creation of logos, brochures or even corporate outfits.
Another interesting approach locally is to target coworking spaces. These are often frequented by startups and other businesses that might need your graphic design skills.

9. Affiliate marketing

Affiliation is based on the recommendation or evaluation of certain products. Subsequently, when the reader purchases one of these products through your link, you receive an affiliate commission.

You might think that this method is not very profitable, but that is not the case at all. There are sites worth millions of dollars based on affiliate income alone.

To create your affiliate marketing site, join an affiliate program that matches your site’s niche. For example, if you have a blog specializing in the computer and technology field, you can become an EasyHoster affiliate.

Once you sign up for the EasyHoster affiliate program, you will have access to the affiliate marketing dashboard where you can track your campaigns. Then, use the marketing materials provided such as banners, ebooks, and infographics to increase your sales.

Although EasyHoster’s plans are affordable and of very high quality, guaranteeing a high conversion rate, there is always room for improvement to maximize your earnings. So you can ask your dedicated affiliate manager for suggestions and advice, who will be happy to help you.

10. Sell photos and videos

If you are passionate about photography or video making, you have the opportunity to monetize your talents online. There are many sites that allow you to upload your photos and videos, having a large community of users. When someone licenses one of your designs, you get paid accordingly.

Some major stock photography sites include Shutterstock and Freepik . For videographers, platforms like VideoHive and Pond5 are a must-have. When you’re building your portfolio, take the time to browse these sites to see what styles are most popular.

Then build your own catalog and upload your creations regularly to maintain your online presence. The more extensive your portfolio is, the more you will increase your chances of success.

Beyond financial gain, using these sites can also help you develop a loyal and engaged community around your work.

11. Monetize your blog

Many people start a blog to express their opinions and develop their writing skills. However, there are cases where some people not only earn a living from their blogs but also manage to turn them into successful businesses.

It’s important to keep in mind that not every blogger will be able to achieve these results, but by adopting the right approach, you can increase your chances of making money online through your blog.

Blogging requires a long-term vision because the financial results will not be immediate. However, as your writing improves, your skills develop, and your site attracts more traffic, your chances of making a living from your passion increase.

If your goal is to create a profitable WordPress blog, here are some key tips to keep in mind:

Choose a current topic such as health, finance, relationships, hobbies or personal development.
Always strive to create the best possible resource on a given topic.
Learn about SEO and learn how to optimize your site’s ranking in search engines.
Network with popular bloggers and other influencers in your field.
These tips will help you take the right direction. When your blog gains enough authority and receives significant traffic, different monetization opportunities will become available to you, including:

Paid advertisements.
Selling your own courses and training.
Marketing of affiliated products.
And many others !
Keep investing and working hard, and your blog can become a significant source of income.

12. Teach Languages online or translate content

Teaching French, giving lessons to students from all over the world or translating content into your language is a great opportunity to generate income online. If you come from a French-speaking country, you already have a great chance of success.

You can also obtain certification to increase your professional prospects and get recruited for this position. Usually, you can earn up to €25 per hour helping students via Skype.

13. Publish e-books

Nowadays, there has never been a better time in history to pursue a career as a writer. If writing books for a living has always been a dream of yours, you might be closer to realizing that dream than you think. The self-publishing revolution now offers everyone the opportunity to earn a living by publishing their own works.

Since there are fewer obstacles to overcome, this also means greater competition. However, by producing the best possible book and meeting readers’ expectations, you can increase your chances of success.

When publishing your own Kindle books, every aspect of the editorial process is under your control. You are therefore responsible for writing, proofreading, formatting, covering, selling on Amazon, describing your book and promoting it.

However, by doing all this extra work, you get a greater share of compensation. Depending on the price of your book, you can receive up to 70% of the sales made.

Here are some tips to maximize your success as an independent author:

  • Research the market to ensure there is a viable book market that is not overly competitive, but where readers are present.
  • Write the best book you can and hire a professional editor to help you.
  • Invest in a high-quality book cover and description. These two elements play a key role in the sale of your works.
  • Publish your books serially and aim for domination in a specific market.
  • Your success as an author is entirely in your hands. Write the best book you can and build an email list for your readers. The more you publish, the more you will learn, and the more income you will generate.

14. Buy and resell domain names

You also have the ability to buy and resell domain names, just like you would a website.

Use tools like FreshDrop, Sedo, SnapNames, Just Dropped to acquire a unique domain name. Then, add the domain names to the list of domains for sale, wait for buyers and make sales to generate revenue online.

Some people have been able to raise several hundred, or even thousands, of dollars per year using this specific strategy. You can get started with EasyHoster now by using our Domain Checker. Simply enter your domain name and we will provide you with all the available options.

15. Become a web hosting reseller

Reselling web hosting accounts is a great opportunity to make money online. In fact, we offer this service.

The basic idea of ​​our Reseller plan is to provide a dedicated space for you to start your own web hosting business. It gives you the possibility to:

  • Create web hosting accounts powered by cPanel ;
  • Set custom resource limits such as disk space, bandwidth, etc. ;
  • Easily manage all accounts using WHM .
  • Since cPanel is the most well-known hosting account management tool, attracting new users will be easy. Server monitoring is carried out by an internal team of administrators to ensure optimal uptime.

Plus, you’ll benefit from dedicated support available 24/7 to answer all your questions and needs.

With all of this in place, you will be able to focus on user acquisition rather than the technical aspects of server management. If you already have knowledge of web hosting, reselling will be a breeze. Who knows, with enough effort invested in it, you could become one of the top players in web hosting.

16. Sell course notes

Selling course notes is considered one of the easiest and fastest ways for students to make money on the Internet. However, it is crucial to ensure that you do not violate plagiarism rules when selling these notes. For example, it is important not to disclose upcoming assignments or tests, as well as to avoid distributing copyrighted material.

The safest method is to provide notes with general and in-depth information on a topic. This may include modules and study guides. Be careful not to present your notes as facts, but rather as supplemental study materials.

So, by following these instructions, you will be able to profit from the sale of your notes while remaining compliant with current regulations.

17. Test websites and give feedback

If you have extensive expertise in website design and development, consider becoming a site tester. This will allow you to make money online quickly while immersing yourself in the web development industry.

To conduct site testing, you will need to demonstrate critical and logical thinking, excellent communication skills, and in-depth knowledge of site functionality and design. These qualities can improve your professional opportunities and the quality of test reports.

Payments are usually project-based and made directly to your bank account or through platforms such as PayPal , Stripe or Payoneer . Prices vary depending on testing methods and platform policy.

18. Collect discount coupons and promo codes

To encourage consumers on the Internet to make more purchases, we offer them a ton of promotional codes allowing them to benefit from attractive prices. Before validating your order on an online sales site, always remember to check if there is a solution to save money. For example, at EasyHoster, we offer the promo code BIENVENUE15 all year round , allowing you to save -15% on your first hosting plan.

And the icing on the cake, is always aim for free delivery! With a promotional code or by opting for the relay point, you often have the right to have it delivered without paying a cent more.

19. Do email marketing

Look at the number of emails you receive in your inbox daily. A lot of them probably come from the newsletters you subscribe to.

Some of these emails are eagerly awaited and opened every day, while others make you wonder how you ended up on their list. Creating a newsletter can be a great way to reach a targeted group of people and grow a strong, long-lasting business. Millions of dollars have been generated through daily newsletters, like The Skimm.

Best of all, launching a newsletter doesn’t have to be complicated. Thanks to tools like MailChimp , it’s never been easier.

Here are the steps to follow:

  • Choose a market segment you want to target and determine the style of your emails.
  • Select an email marketing service provider.
  • Create a simple landing page and drive traffic to that page.
  • Send emails to your list regularly.
  • The main goal of your list is to build trust with your subscribers so that they open your emails daily. Once you have built a large list of subscribers who regularly open your
  • emails, you have several ways to monetize this list, such as:
  • Selling your own digital products
  • Membership Course Offer
  • Promoting affiliate offers to your subscribers
  • Sale of advertising space
  • 20. Develop mobile applications and web applications
  • Learning to code can be an extremely valuable skill. Whether working as a freelancer applying your skills or developing your own software, there are many benefits to acquiring this expertise.

Once you master software creation, you can create a consumer application, a specialized web or mobile application, or even a mobile game. Many successful businesses have been created through the use of these programs.

Although many large companies now make the majority of software, you’ll find when you look at the Google Play Store or App Store that many of the most popular apps were built by people like you.

If your goal is to generate income on the Internet through your own software or applications, I suggest an approach you can take:

Conduct market research to uncover an urgent need;
Build an MVP (minimum viable product) version of your software;
Get feedback from initial users and beta testers;
Incorporate this feedback and launch your first version.
Start marketing your software.
While creating and selling your own software requires a significant investment of time, you can leverage your programming skills by freelancing.

Take the time to explore the best freelancing platforms like Upwork and Malt . You will find a multitude of missions corresponding to your skills. You can also visit Remoteok.io, which lists various remote programming positions you can apply for.

21. Make money shopping online

Did you know that every purchase made online can entitle you to remuneration?

In reality, thanks to a partnership established between the e-retailer from which you make your purchases and the cashback site, part of your expenses is returned to you. To facilitate the procedure, most cashback sites offer the installation of a “shopping bar” extension for browsers. The amount you can get back varies considerably: from 3% to 50% of the value of your order, depending on the store and the type of products purchased.

With cashback, you make money without any additional effort during your usual purchases. It’s an excellent idea, and to benefit from it, only one step is necessary: ​​register and go through one or more online cashback sites. There are many; It’s up to you to choose the ones that best suit your purchasing habits.

In the case of major purchases such as furniture, household appliances or high-tech products, you get a substantial amount back. This is always appreciable, and it improves your purchasing power.

22. Monetize your passion

If you are used to creating your own cooking recipes, for example, know that many websites pay you when you publish innovative and practical advice in the field of food. If you are more sporty at heart, online betting also appears to be a potentially profitable activity.

On a completely different note, talented photographers can make significant profits by selling their photos on image banks (to find out more, we invite you to read our article on this subject). Ultimately, whatever your profile, there is certainly a lucrative activity that matches your aspirations: find it and invest as much time in it as possible.

23. View online listings

Several platforms are specially designed to facilitate the connection between supply and demand using the internet. This represents a wise option if you want to generate income without having to physically travel. For example, responding to advertisements offering Community Manager positions will allow you to make ends meet. You will be asked to regularly boost a company’s Facebook page or Twitter account, in exchange for compensation.

If you also have writing skills, don’t hesitate to consider a career as a copywriter . You can certainly find writing assignments on topics close to your interests, in order to combine business with pleasure!

Nowadays, more and more individuals are offering their services, whether in the field of artisanal creation or everyday services . Thanks to the emergence of classified ads websites, many individuals have the opportunity to monetize their talents to increase their income. You just need to think about your hidden or not hidden talents, then get started.

As you have understood, there are a multitude of work from home opportunities. If you are motivated and determined, why not consider a career change? Web careers can not only offer you the opportunity to work from home or anywhere in the world, but also guarantee you a long-lasting career in a constantly emerging sector of activity!

24. Become a community manager on social networks

Nowadays, we are all active on social media. However, did you know that it is possible to make a living running social media accounts?

If you’re already a power user of social media, you’re already ahead of the game. It will be much easier for you to share your expertise and persuade others to contract management of their accounts for a fee.
If this isn’t the case for you, don’t worry. There are many educational resources such as the Hootsuite Academy that will help you gain in-depth knowledge of social media. Once you’ve mastered this knowledge, it’s time to turn to freelance platforms like Upwork and Malt to offer your services.

If you want to increase your chances of finding clients, you can use what you’ve learned to promote and grow your social media management business.

25. Collaborate with other consumers

To please yourself, you don’t have to always buy new clothes or products. Instead, you can connect with other consumers on social media or dedicated apps to make trades. This approach is not aimed at making money online, but rather at limiting expenses!

Furthermore, if you plan to travel, before booking your tickets online at sometimes exorbitant prices, remember to find out about carpooling possibilities. You will be able to enjoy a pleasant journey in excellent company while paying much less.

The Internet is full of practices that allow you to improve your purchasing power and spend less. When you try them for the first time, you often end up adopting them.

26. Create a podcast

Starting a podcast is one of the most profitable online business ideas. The number of global podcast listeners has been growing steadily in recent years, and is expected to reach around 500 million by 2024. So this is a significant opportunity to consider for the year 2024.

Although you can start your podcast with a computer or mobile device equipped with a built-in microphone, we recommend investing in suitable audio hardware and software to improve the quality of your recordings.

All you need is an interesting topic of discussion and good communication skills. You can create a podcast on any topic, from financial advice to criminal cases.

Once you’ve recorded and edited your first episodes, you need to find a hosting platform to publish them online.

Most podcasts generate their revenue through sponsorships. After successfully attracting an audience, you can consider signing up with production agencies to develop your brand, improve the quality of your content and increase your audience.

Don’t forget to promote your podcast on social media and other platforms, including your own website. A podcast theme and audio player can strengthen your brand identity and make your content easier to discover.

27. Become an influencer

Influencers are individuals who help persuade potential buyers of a product or service by promoting or recommending it on social media or YouTube. With this in mind, please take the time to think about your future niche. Whether it’s fashion, travel, technology or fitness equipment, identify your strengths and choose a niche that will allow you to showcase them.

Once you have made your choice, it is time to promote your activity to your audience. You can do this by starting a blog or using social media platforms. As you grow your audience, you can start offering products or services for sale. If your popularity grows, you might even have the opportunity to represent specific brands and generate income by promoting their products.

Can you make money online quickly?

If you want to know how to make money online, it is essential to stay away from programs that promise quick wins. For example, some people may recommend online business ideas that claim you can make money overnight while staying at home.

While there are many ways to make money online, it’s important to stay vigilant because these types of promises usually come from individuals likely looking to take advantage of you. Instead, focus on legitimate ways to generate income, such as creating content on social media. However, be careful in your research as you explore methods of making passive income while working from home and there are many interesting ideas.

When wondering how to make money online, focus on your areas of expertise. You have talents that many people wish they had, and you need to capitalize on that if you want to generate income on the Internet.

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