TOP 10 business ideas to launch in 2024

2024 promises to be a favorable year for entrepreneurship. There are many business ideas to discover. New trends and emerging markets offer business opportunities for those looking to start their business. Sectors particularly stand out.

1 – Personal service

One of the most promising sectors for creating a business in 2024? That of personal assistance for seniors.

Indeed, elderly people today represent 20% of the population in France. Some live in the countryside and suffer from a medical desert. Sometimes isolated, even in the city, they nevertheless require care. Personal service is a booming sector. Thus, seniors use personal services for help with washing, administering medications, cooking, groceries, cleaning, maintaining their gardens, and green spaces, DIY, and administrative matters. .

In addition, in this digital age and the dematerialization of many services, many freelancers are deciding to launch into digital support. At home or even in the form of a traveling truck, for example in rural areas, this promising business offers users (often seniors) a dedicated service.

By supporting them in their daily administrative and personal procedures. An excellent sector for a business creation project in 2024.

2 – Opening a food truck

Continuing on trucks, in 2024 another business on this theme is interesting for creating your business. That of food trucks. Street food or street food is in vogue. After the success of pizza trucks, deemed economically interesting. Both for the margin made on products and for the savings made on charges compared to restaurant premises. Food trucks are on the rise.

Profitable, therefore, it is a very good opportunity to launch into entrepreneurship in 2024. Located in industrial zones, in business districts, close to businesses to honor working people’s lunches or during festive events, and demonstrations.

They allow a wide range of offers: hamburgers, sandwiches, culinary specialties by country, etc.

3 – Opening a themed restaurant: healthy example

To continue the trend in catering. Here is another business idea to launch in 2024. Open a themed restaurant as a business creation or takeover. For example, by following the healthy trend, of “eating well”. Eating healthy and organic is a priority today.

Indeed, according to an Infop study, 9 out of 10 French people consider it very important to adopt a healthy and balanced diet for the years to come. Beyond the positive effects on health, energy, and dynamism, the French want to know the origin of the products on their plate.
In addition, the organic and vegetarian dishes sectors are constantly growing. It is therefore very interesting to open a restaurant on these themes to meet increased demand.

Especially since the catering sector has gone green since the end of COVID-19. Also, the possibilities are numerous.

The opening of a franchise, the chains, on the Healthy theme, are developing. Meal delivery is also at home and in business via dedicated platforms or independently.

4 – Sports Coaching

Another sector that has been operating since COVID-19 for the creation of a company in self-employed status? Sports coaching. As the gyms have been closed, many French people have also changed their sporting habits.

Many have chosen online sessions with independent coaches via the broadcast of videos on platforms and social networks.

In 2024, this is an interesting business idea. Indeed, both on the web and in person. Sports coaching is now working very well. At home or personalized also outdoors (parks, sports halls, sports complexes, etc.).

Going independent in this field is economically interesting. The price of a coaching session can vary from 50 euros to 150 euros per hour. There are many disciplines that work: yoga, pilates, bodybuilding, running, MMA, etc.

5 – Aesthetics at home

A business idea to launch in 2024 as an entrepreneurship project is that of home care: aesthetics. Indeed, for several reasons, including those also mentioned for sport: the aesthetics sector is also doing very well currently.

You can therefore think about becoming an individual entrepreneur, for example, by offering facial care, body care, massage, massage, hair removal, makeup, sale of cosmetics, and nail services.

Nail care is the service with the highest demand: manicure, application of simple, semi-permanent varnish, and false nails. You can therefore operate in complete independence or, as in the catering and sports sector, work via dedicated platforms. The commissions are reasonable and the conditions advantageous.

6 – Offer online training

It’s impossible not to mention the web in our top 10 business ideas to launch in 2024 for future entrepreneurs. Thus, web professions are favored for people turning to self-employment. Several possible professions: web editor, copywriter, community manager, developer etc.

Another trendy activity is that of online training and it can also be carried out in the professions previously listed.

Indeed, if you have a specialty, years of experience in a field, and therefore expertise, marketing training is entirely possible and legitimate. Thus, this commercial activity offers several forms to offer your media for sale: recorded videos, video interviews, e-books, and downloadable media.

7 – Launch a mobile application

Launching a mobile application is another innovative entrepreneurship idea that we recommend. In fact, everything often starts with a good idea, a new concept, new service or niche. There are countless applications dedicated to dating, but perhaps you have an original idea on this theme for example, which does not yet exist.

The possible areas are numerous: games, deliveries, sport, etc.

8 – Naturopathy, energy treatments

A completely different sector, but just as interesting for starting your business: health. More specifically, naturopathy.

It offers great growth prospects and is therefore booming. This strong development is explained by the constantly growing number of patients turning to medical therapists: offering their knowledge and benefits on personal development and well-being.

Thus, this professional alternative medicine activity is based on practices and advice on diet, lifestyle, physical activity, etc. The price of a session varies between 50 and 200 euros.

9 – Crafts

Artisanal activity is also a booming sector for an entrepreneurial project. Here is another idea to launch your business in 2024. Jewelry creation is at the top of the list in craft professions. But the list of possibilities is long: candles, soaps, fabric accessories, etc. Thus, you will be both a creator and a reseller.

Manufacturing can be done at your home or in specialized cooperatives with other craftsmen. You can also market your creations at events, markets, workshops, and exhibitions and even offer your own online store via a website.

10 – Clothes made in USA

Finally, at a time when foreign brands are offering competitive prices, but sometimes contested working conditions for their employees, deliveries, and awareness of eco-responsibility: made in France is increasingly favored. . A guarantee of authenticity, fashion, and for ethical reasons, it is an excellent business idea.

Become the leader of an innovative project, and creator of a green society: a clean business in an ecological sense. For embroidery, sewing, and clothing creation, the important thing will be to choose your suppliers and your distribution strategy carefully.

Launching your business in 2024: the stages of creation
Once you have found your business idea, it is recommended to carry out a market study on your sector of activity, the competitors a business plan, a forecast, the cost of equipment, your prices, and margins. Several administrative formalities are important. Choose a legal status, your tax regime, social regime. Weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each legal form. Different statuses: self-employed, individual entrepreneur, micro-enterprise, a single-member company with limited liability (EURL), most often even a limited liability company (SARL), a start-up, wage portage, and even a business takeover.

Registration in the commercial register is then necessary. Also, find out about financial aid. Aid for business creation (ACRE for example) from which you can benefit, in particular for future declarations to the URSSAF. Thus, the exemption or reduction of your social charges. Also contact the CMA: Chamber of Trades and Crafts, the CCI: Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Pôle Emploi for support in the creation, of specialized workshops for project leaders and the different organizations and associations in your department and region.

In addition, remember, in your creation formalities, to be well informed about your future social protection (social security, mutual insurance, etc.) and your social contributions (retirement, unemployment, sick leave, etc.). Opening a business bank account is helpful. Know the financing possibilities and credits. The social capital that you can bring to your business project, the possible contributions, and the necessary investments. Think about the management of your accounting (simplified independent accounting, calling on an accountant, using a consulting firm).

Future young creators, all we have to do now is wish you the best in your new business launch.

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